Rammer and Plate Compactor Rentals in Tyler, TX

Construction projects are only as stable as the foundations on which they are built. Soil compaction is the first step in ensuring the stability of your new construction projects.

  • Rammers work best on cohesive soils, such as clay or silt, where high impact force is required to remove air pockets.
  • Vibratory compactors are best for granular soils like sand or gravel, where vibration helps settle particles tightly together.

For smaller projects or tight spaces, Iron Rental & Supply has lightweight handheld gas rammers and walk-behind plate compactors for rent by the half-day, full-day, week, or month.

Trust the foundation on which you build your important projects. Trust Iron Rental & Supply to have the right reliable equipment right when you need it.

Roller Compactor Rental in Tyler, TX

From the narrowest trench to the largest construction pad, Iron Rental & Supply has the right soil compactor rental for every application.

  • Handheld gas rammers
  • Walk-behind vibratory plate compactors
  • Ride-on vibratory roller compactors

Our 1.5-ton vibratory roller features a compact design with two steel rollers and enough weight and force to handle your most challenging compaction projects. Safety features include a roll-over protection system, emergency shutoff, and anti-vibration handles to reduce operator fatigue.

Schedule your compaction rental or call Iron Rental & Supply 903-839-2605 for more information about our durable compaction equipment.